DWA JOB LISTINGS —  December 2024

Here is our list of searches that DWA is currently working on. Perhaps you have some friends looking or maybe they are of interest to you. If some of these fit you, let us know and we will send details. Regardless, send us your latest resume.

Recruiters and The State of The Industry

Companies are more inclined to consider hiring again. Some still seem to be waiting a bit longer to ensure the economy is turning around.

However, history teaches us recruiters that recovery in the general economy tends to be felt in the tech and construction industries early in the business cycle. Therefore, when turn-around happens, it tends to happen quickly and those candidates who are prepared reap the benefits earlier than those mired in a downward cycle of negative thinking.

From the perspective of being in this industry for over 20 years, we offer the following advice:

  • The sky is not falling and things will get better, perhaps sooner than you might think. Reduce your exposure to the general media, whose business is to sell information, which is mostly negative. But do keep up with what’s happening in your industry. Conserve your resources; hang around your positive friends and relatives.
  • Stay focused in your job search. Continue contacting your network and consider starting your own business. If you get a legitimate offer, consider taking it and waiting for a better job to come around. Being on the street leaves you vulnerable and with no leverage.

Send us your resume for future opportunities if and when they arise. Like winking in the dark, if we don’t know about you, we as recruiters cannot find you when a good opportunity comes in.

7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 240 | Pleasanton, CA 94588 | Phone: 925 227 1190 | info@dwasearch.com