Recruiting and You

Many seekers of high tech and professional jobs are misinformed about our role in the search process of technical recruiting.

Our primary responsibility is to find qualified candidates for our clients.

Our job is to make a match that is suitable to both the candidate and the company.

If you are downsized in today’s soft market, there are things you can immediately do:

  1. Don’t panic. Leap into action and be pro-active. Work at job hunting eight hours or more each day, seven days a week.
  2. Stop watching TV news and reading the newspapers, except to answer Sunday ads and to read the cartoons and sports section.
  3. Get your resume on the web and call your network. Follow up with them every four weeks. They are busy and will forget about you if they are not reminded. See number 7 for websites.
  4. Stay away from negative friends and relatives. Stay positive yourself and don’t let others drain you. The sky is not falling.
  5. Conserve your money, reduce expenses and take a temp job until a better one comes along.
  6. If you are an older candidate, 50+, consider starting your own consulting company at the same time you job hunt. Do parallel action. Calling on companies as a business man (consultant) is easier than as a job hunter. Companies may be willing to hire you on a consulting basis first, and then later hire you full time for any high tech jobs. At least you are being proactive and doing something to make things happen. It will make you “feel” better. At the bottom of this page is a free brochure on, “Become a Consultant.”
  7. Utilize the web and the various search engines and technical recruiting sites e.g.

Neuvoo is a free job search engine that indexes jobs directly for free from companies’ career websites, placement agencies and job boards. They centralize all jobs available on the web to help people find new career opportunities, much like the Google for jobs.

For other assistance try, or “Manage Your Own Career” by Dr.Donald J. Hanratty published by the “It’s the How Publishing Company.”

Also, has a tool kit for resume writing that could be helpful.

Julian Rowse writes and updates resumes.

Fatemah Mirza, Resume Writer, Networking and Interview Coach 951.284.5404.

For immediate needs, try Gary Smith’s Becoming a High-Impact Candidate. It will provide you with a methodology specifically designed to assist you in achieving success in the high tech job search process. Avoiding the usual “do this, don’t do that” mindset that is endemic to most books in this field, Becoming a High-Impact Candidate is filled with proven tactics and strategies that produce interviews and job offers—even in this tough economy! Specifically, this is a 130-page book that demystifies the entire recruiting process. You’re going to learn how to be perceived as the candidate of choice—even if your competition has better “paper” credentials. The cost of Becoming a High-Impact Candidate is $12.95, payable by credit card. Because Becoming a High-Impact Candidate is in the form of a downloadable e-book, you will be able to apply what you learn to your job hunting experiences immediately.

Gary’s website is:

  1. Find other search firms that can help you. Kennedy Publications has a good reference book, The Executive Recruiters Directory. Local Libraries have a copy or go to This directory lists firms by categories. Select and send your resume to those choice ones. Don’t bother to follow up with them, they will call you if there is a fit.
  2. If you need directories of businesses in specific states or markets try or Both provide CDs of companies, addresses, names, etc.
  3. If you are a recent college graduate with little practical experience in high tech jobs, consider becoming a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps, Navy, Army or Air Force. These are wonderful opportunities to gain experience and confidence. Also consider the CIA, FBI, INS, State Department, Secret Service and other Federal Agencies. There are great jobs just waiting for a college graduate:,
  4. Get a good email service. Companies that are concerned about SPAM sometimes kick out “Hotmail” and other free email address in an effort to cut down on SPAM. AOL and MSN sometimes do not handle attachments very well.
  5. Market yourself as a problem solver who is excellent with people. Look for things you can do rather than specific job titles. When you find a prospective employer, ask yourself what they need and think of ways your talents can mesh with their needs.
  6. Prepare in advance for the interview. At the bottom of this page are “Job Interviewing Tips” and other ideas to help you.
  7. In the interview, be concise, give concrete examples of what you can do for the company and know when to stop talking. Be a superior listener. Demonstrate that you are flexible and willing to learn new skills.
  8. Don’t discuss money and benefits until after you have been offered the position—unless the interviewer brings up the subject. At the bottom of this page are informative articles on “Salary Negotiations,” etc.
  9. Tell a prospective Employer what is important to you.
  10. Sidestep political footballs, avoid saying anything negative about your former employer.
  11. Show how you dealt with any downtime. If you have been out of the workforce for a while, account for the time.
  12. Above all be honest. A no-brainer; but many people embellish their resumes. They fudge dates to make it look like they have worked continuously or they play around with their degrees. They assume that no one is checking. Today companies pay attention; they call references. So play it straight and don’t put anything on Facebook that would embarrass your parents.

And remember:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

Understand a Search Firm’s Role

Our technical recruiting fees are paid by the company, not by the candidates.

Typically, when a client retains a search firm, it searches its database for backgrounds and credentials of those who roughly match the specifications of the position of that high tech job. Then they contact potential candidates.

Make use of search firms that specialize in your career fields or functions. Your chances of being contacted about available positions will be greatly improved.

Be Cooperative

Cultivating a good relationship with a search consultant should be a strategic ingredient in an executives career plan. Those people who are consistently reliable and cooperative often are considered more favorably for high tech jobs when a promising opportunity emerges. When you have lifestyle or job changes, keep us informed.

Respond to Calls

Search firms typically check their existing internal candidate system before tapping external sources. The background information is entered into a data bank and can be cross-referenced by a variety of qualifying parameters, years of experience, management responsibilities, relocation preferences, designations and compensation level.

The Rule of Threes

Even if a headhunter calls, hold off celebrating. We are glued to the telephone and run our search efforts by a Rule of Threes:

Usually, at least three people are contacted for each one that may eventually be interviewed and usually three people are selected for interviewing with the company.

7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 240 | Pleasanton, CA 94588 | Phone: 925 227 1190 |