Job Listings
Here is our list of searches that DWA is currently working on. Perhaps you have friends looking or maybe they are of interest to you. If some of these fit you, let us know and we will send details.
Job Hunting Hints
If you have been downsized in today’s soft market, there are numerous things you can immediately do. Our primary responsibility is to find qualified candidates for our clients.
Submit Your Résumé
Submit your résumé. We’ll connect you with companies recruiting those qualified in semiconductor equipment, material, chemical, automation, construction and IT positions.
Recruiting for Technology,
Semiconductor Equipment, Materials, Chemicals,
Engineering and Energy Companies
DWA Recruiting
Dick Williams and Associates (DWA Search) is an experienced recruiting firm with strong connections to all of the major technology, construction, engineering and energy companies throughout the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia. We have the expertise and resources to quickly locate highly qualified candidates to fit your critical positions. We also help qualified candidates find that “just right opportunity” with a top flight company.
If you seek highly qualified, pre-screened technical candidates with a strong work ethic, or if you are one of those candidates seeking greater opportunities, then we are the right search company for your recruitment or job search needs.
How do we find good people for great jobs?
Industries are constantly changing. We remain in frequent contact with industry leaders, executives and managers through personal communications, trade shows, seminars, publications, social media and referrals that have been developed through our combined seventy years in the both hi-tech, construction, engineering and energy jobs’ industries.
Because we have been executives in these industries ourselves, we know the kinds of problems that you face every day in finding qualified people or a great job that matches your skills. We have first-hand experience in sales, marketing, operations, business development, consulting, product development and launch, processing, equipment design/development, purchasing, channel marketing and sales and customer service and support. We understand recruiting from the manager’s point of view.
What is our recruiting specialty?
Our hi-tech and semiconductor jobs expertise includes:
- Presidents, Executive VPs, CFOs, General and Operations Managers
- Vice Presidents, Sales, Marketing Executives, Key Account Executives, Product Managers
- Engineering Directors and Managers, Engineers, Mechanical, Electrical, Software
- Directors of Supply Chain, Purchasing Managers
- Product Managers, Channel Managers, Marketing Communications
- Technical Directors, Process and Application Engineers
- Field Service Managers and Engineers
- IT Solutions Architects and Programmers
Download hi-tech recruiting brochure
7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 240 | Pleasanton, CA 94588 | Phone: 925 227 1190 |
DWA Search
7901 Stoneridge Drive
Suite 320
Pleasanton, CA 94588